Borderless – Oltre la Cena

Institut Français di Milano

September 2015

Project T.ART with the support of Fondazione Stelline


This sky was captured in Tuscany, Leonardo da Vinci’s birthplace. In “La Cena” the sky plays a central role, it is a major source of light and an allegory of the Christ’s halo. The sentence “ll sole non si muove” has been found in one of Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks; the great man sensed that the sun doesn’t move. The scientific mind of Leonardo da Vinci is very present in La Cena, he constructed his painting with very precise perspective, construction and color laws. Thereby, the mural painting gets its powerful construction.


This is an audio interpretation of La Cena, it transcribes the impression of hubbub, of silence and of movement that this work conveys to me. The rigorous structure of the painting is counterbalanced by the lively characters. It is a hubbub of gestures and expressions, an organized body dance. It is almost as if we could hear the apostles and see them moving. When he was working on La Cena, Leonardo da Vinci was collaborating to the editing of the book “The divine proportion” which is mainly about the gold ratio that we find in Fibonacci’s number sequence, announced in this audio band. In The Divine Proportion, the golden ratio is related to the divine; divine that is present with the church bells sound in the audio band.

T-Art Project

This installation aims to create a bridge between the sphere of scientific research, the world of cultural and intellectual production, artistic and technological research and that of communication. It creates interconnections to facilitate intellectual, experimental and experiential exchanges between the different participants, for the development of a common heritage that goes against stereotypes. A visual reflection of The Last Supper through a journey, installations, performances, exhibitions, video portraits and dramatized conversations with cultural actors from different disciplines, art, design, performance, architecture , philosophy and the visual arts. A work in several voices, where each element is orchestrated in a continuous succession of soloist roles and choral symphony. The Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan during EXPO 2015, becomes the showcase of the scenic action, of this unstructured Last Supper. This poli-art is made up of a course of eight acts, which showcase the different elements that make up Leonardo’s Last Supper. The route provides for a moment of exposure and a moment of performance.